New European Film Festival

The third edition of NEFF -New European Film Festival - will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country, Spain) between 2nd to 12th of May. During 10 days we will enjoy with the best new european cinema, with 12 films on conquest, more than 50 short films, a film selection of the invited country of this year - Poland, the section Cinema and Music, the section Jewels, the Latin Cinema, the Cinema for Children in Basque language...
In addition, the city will be flooded of multiple parallel activities: II Workshop of Sound tracks, Exhibitions, Strolls of Cinema by the City - guide visits to places where films have been shooted, Concerts, Celebrations…
Polinomio Estudios will manage the contents of the official Web of the Festival, as well as its blog Cinefforum, from where you can follow everything that happens during these days… and nights.
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