Theatre: Disidente, claro

Dissident, of course is the title of a Michel Vinaver's play, performed at Center-Museum Artium of Vitoria-Gasteiz, days 17, 18, 24 and 25th of November, 2006, as a complement to the exhibition Catharsis of the same center.
Performed by Carmen San Esteban and Iñaki Rikarte, and directed by Mari Cruz M. Irazábal, it has twelve scenes of mix-ups between a mother and her adolescent son, both in an unstable situation in the family and the work, that leads towards an unexpected situation for them and the public.
The stage scene was made by Javier Larreina, and placed the public on circular rows that surrounded the actors, who sometimes were confused in him. The illumination of Javier Ulla drew up a diagonal in the circle, with handled movable elements at sight. Polinomio Estudios made a parallel video installation, in which videos of the performance creation process were mixed live.
Contemporary theater that asks about catharsis notion. Is it possible a tragedy today?
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Jordan Spizike -