Videos from III Bernaola Music Festival

The III Bernaola International Music Festival finished on 30th November with a concert of Ensemble Espacio Sinkro group, at the Music College auditorium of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The program was based on Bertol Bretch and the music of inter-wars, with themes of Kurt Weill, Maurice Ravel, Paul Hindemith, Erwin Schulhoff and Dmitri Shostakovich.
The splendid performance of mezzosoprano Itziar Lesaka, accompanied on the piano by Sergio Gutiérrez, and the texts of Bertol Bretch interpreted by the actress Arantxa Ezquerra, located to us in that special period of the History of Europe. In addition, Roberto Casado played flute; Vicente Elizondo, Oboe; Patxi Divar, clarinet; Iñaki Iraola, fagot; Patxi Tardio, horn; Josetxo Silguero, saxophon; Victor Parra, violin; and François Monciero, violonchello.
The disposition of the public, the stage scene, the illumination and the scene direction, made a certain Cabaret atmostphere, thanks to the work of Javier Larreina, Javi Ulla, Mari Cruz M. Irazábal and Alfonso Garcia de la Torre.
VIDEO 1 - Barbara’s Song - Kurt Weill (1928)
VIDEO 2 - Sonata en Re menor (Allegro) - Dmitri Shostakovich (1934)
VIDEO 3 - Hot Sonate (2nd mov.) - Erwin Schulhoff (1930)
VIDEO 4 - Sonata Blues - Maurice Ravel (1923-1927)
VIDEO 5 - Kleine Kammermusic op.24 nº2 - Paul Hindemith (1922)
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